In one year, EXOTTO
helped Business
Resultants to create a
pipeline of continuous,
compelling prospects.
Customer Story
BusinessResultantstrainafewhand-selectedVirtual Business Advisors on a proven, results-based program that allowsadvisorstosignupallthesmallbusiness advising/coaching clients they can handle.
They help business owners DOUBLE or triple their net profits WITHOUTspendinganadditionaldollaronmarketingor advertising.
Business Resultants needed help finding the leads in their niche. That is when Exotto came in. Business Resultants witnessed substantial growth through a data-driven approach, customized email campaigns, comprehensive lead-generation strategies, and collaborative engagement.
Targeted Accountants/CPAs and Business Brokers
Generated leads on LinkedIn and email by engaging with Coaches,Marketingconsultants,Marketingagencies, Business Consultants
The Solution
Performed thorough research and formulated a marketing strategy aligned with the client’s goals.
Engaged in meetings with various professionals including coaches, marketing consultants, agencies, and business consultants.
The Results
1169 Appointments
4215 Conversations
Outreached 58408 Prospects
Business Resultants + Exotto
The transformative impact of this partnership solidified Business Resultants' position as a leader in the business coaching industry, showcasing their ability to deliver exceptional results for their clients.